MotPlus 1.6

Free MOT Plus editor is an object-oriented modeling tool
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MOT and MOT Plus are object-oriented modeling tools intended to express various fields of knowledge as graphic knowledge models. These models attempt to give a dynamic view on a particular field that is often vast and complex, and on the existing links between knowledge objects.

Research in cognitive sciences has demonstrated the existence of some types of knowledge objects, their links as well as relational rules between them. MOT and MOT Plus exploit these notions. They regroup several graphic icons that represent abstract (concepts, procedures or principles) and concrete (facts) knowledge and the possible links (composition, regulation, specialization, precedence, input/ product, example). Moreover, it integrates grammar rules that govern the types of links between knowledge objects.

MOT and MOT Plus editors are endowed with sophisticated graphic editing capabilities. Graphs, that can be easily created, represent knowledge and links and make the nature and structure of learning systems contents stand out. Moreover, models and knowledge objects can be associated and displayed in a multilevel mode, models may be filtered in order to retain some types of knowledge objects or links. Neighborhood models can automatically be created by regrouping all knowledge objects at a certain distance from a given knowledge object, and finally, a knowledge object can be linked to any type of document using the OLE standards such as a word processor, slide presentation, Web browser, spreadsheet or database. more

Comments (2)

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I'm a university professor and use this software to model my courses. The application has remained robust despite changes in Windows 7, 8, 8.1. It never crashes. The GUI is from another era, and some shortcuts (like CTRL-F) don't work, but this product gets the job done.

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What happens when it is done a pedagogical graphic Dans Mot Plus version in French and when it is saved, there appears an error message. What do I have to do?

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